Saturday, July 20, 2019

Dear Customers,

cPanel has changed the way account getting billed.  Therefore, almost every hosting company in the world going through pricing changes.

Currently, we have not planned for increase hosting price as still; we are waiting for final confirmation from cPanel. However, we are doing several changes in the way we organize cPanel accounts to minimize cost overhead.

Going forward, cPanel will charge $0.2 per month for each cPanel hosting account. As a result, we are no longer able to maintain suspended account with us as suspended accounts consider as active cPanel user by cPanel.

Therefore, we would like to encourage you to renew your hosting accounts before its due date if you wish to renew your account.


  • There will be a 10% late fee apply after 14 days from your account due date.



  • The account will be terminating from our services after 28 days from its due date.


  • If you wish to recover the terminated account, there will be 25% of total account fee will add as recovery fee (only if we have a backup of your account left in the servers and we can not guarantee recovery of account after 28 days from the account due date)


Therefore, we encourage you to renew your accounts by the due date or submit cancellation requests from the client area, if you do not wish to renew your account before its due date.

Thank You,

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